The 5 misunderstanding of balsam plant care


The 5 misunderstanding of balsam plant care

Balsam flowers are one of the oldest and ever-popular houseplants, and not by accident are considered easy to grow. According to popular rumor, if popular opinion is to be believed, indoor Balsam flowers are unpretentious and hardy enough to suffer only from serious lapses in care.

Seedlings can grow under its power. However, it would be a mistake to think that this is a mere human being. There are basic requirements for balsam plant care, and it is best not to deviate from them. After all, serious failures in watering, feeding, and pruning can be disastrous for this plant.

Balsam flowers - a member of the Impatiens balsamina family - is a small perennial herb that is prone to rapid deterioration. For this reason, it is often grown as an annual. balsam flower trees are fast-growing, widely distributed, shed their lower leaves, require no control, and easily grow to 23inch (60cm).

Balsam flowers fragrance is its main "trump card". Balsam flowers in the living room may bloom from mid-spring to late autumn, and if properly cared for, can bloom all year round. The choice of varieties - simple or large, dappled or bright-foliaged, white, pink, or red flowers - allows anyone to find their favorites.

Balsam flowers and very simple, but with surprises. It is truly tropical, and its requirements for care conditions clearly give away its origins.

After all, you are trying to recreate Balsam flowers in a room in the subtropical and tropical regions of Asia and Africa. it grows quickly and "goes out of shape" quickly, requiring attention and a certain amount of supervision. Due to the speed of development, Balsam flower vegetation is an excellent restorer, but not all problems after only if you respond very quickly to signals.

Balsam flowers do not require much:
1. A lot of light.
2. A warm room from spring to autumn and cool in winter.
3. Narrow pots.
3. Loose permeable soil mixture.
4. Good drainage layer.

Let's consider the most common mistakes made in the care of Balsam flowers and the ways to correct them.

Balsam flowers bloom well in strong light only, some varieties are adapted to semi-shade, but more often Balsam flowers are placed on a windowsill.

However, if Balsam flowers feel good on the brightest windowsills in spring and autumn, such light should be adjusted from mid-May to September.

The hot summer sun can be very harmful to Balsam flowers. From the direct light, the leaves and flowers of the plant suffer.

And if no scattering screens or other methods of precaution are installed in the care (moving to a bay window far away, away from windows, moving to a new place, taller plant neighbors), the problem will not be avoided.

Sensitive to drought and insufficient soil moisture, Balsam flowers will respond quickly to even a slightly dry substrate. He literally wilts before his eyes, turning yellow and throwing away leaves and flowers.

The bush "comes back to life" in the morning, but for the leaves of the plant, drought does not disappear without a trace. The main purpose of watering this plant was and still is the same - to keep the bush fresh all the time.

But in the quest to maintain a consistently high soil moisture level, overwatering is one of the worst mistakes that can be made.

The Balsam flowers tree is a moisture-loving plant, but that doesn't mean it can tolerate humidity, even if the plant can get away with excess moisture, releasing droplets of water on the edges of its leaves and stems.

Wet herbs, indeed, have an increased need for watering. However, it cannot violate the permeability of the soil, leading to swampy or waterlogged soil. This invariably leads to rot and the spread of disease. After 5 minutes of watering, excess water must always be drained from the tray.

However, this alone is not enough for the proper watering of Balsam flowers.

Balsam flower trees should be watered frequently to control soil dryness. Give only a little dryness from the top in summer, and dry the top 0.8-1.2inch (2-3cm) in winter.

Watering Balsam flowers with small portions of water in 2-3 watering sessions will achieve the most even and high-quality hydration without extremes.

This is a beautiful balsam flower

Maintaining steady and sufficiently high soil moisture is usually considered the only thing this plant needs. But substrate humidity does not in any way reduce Balsam flowers' love for moist air as well.

Of course, a special humidifier for indoor Balsam flowers does not need to be installed. But here on the spray, they respond so positively that the exclusion of their care is not worth it.

If the plant is in bloom, spray Balsam flowers with warm water only - carefully, only on the leaves. You need to make sure that the water droplets do not fall on the buds and petals of the flowers.

Balsam flower trees will not refuse and regular warm watering, especially during the active growth phase before flowering or during high temperatures.

Ideally, even indoor Balsam flowers in the warm season are best brought to a place with fresh air. A bush placed on a balcony or in a garden has more blooms and greener than its indoor counterpart. Admittedly, in the fresh air, Balsam flowers are considered more of a shade-loving plant.

If there is simply no place to take Balsam flowers out in the summer, place them in a place where windows are frequently or often opened so that they can enjoy a constant flow of fresh air.

During purely indoor rearing, Balsam flower trees will not grow properly without ventilation, no matter what time of year it is. This must be done frequently, even in cooler times, to protect the shrubs from the wind and rain.

Fresh air is necessary for the growth of Balsam flower trees. The more stagnant the air in the room, the more bare and active the Balsam flowers will be, the more they will drop their leaves, and the more they will age.

It is also worth noting that the circulation of air around the bush of the Balsam flowers tree is as important as the roses. Rather than being placed in a small space with other plants, these fragments allow air to flow freely on all sides.

Delicate Balsam flowers do not require any complicated pruning techniques and tell themselves how to keep their shape best. Simple pruning is an often overlooked practice, pruning only the tips and shoots of the seedlings.

In order for Balsam flowers to remain compact and grow tirelessly, and therefore bloom tirelessly, every new shoot on the plant must be pruned, even the lateral branches. The growth of the central buds is limited by pruning. Cultivation is carried out throughout the active vegetative period.

If Balsam flowers deform or start to flower sparsely and you do not have suitable conditions for wintering, it is better to propagate the shrubs and grow them from cuttings instead.

Growing Balsam flowers is very easy. Cuttings can simply be rooted in water. By this simple method, any poorly maintained Balsam flowers can be replaced with new ones in a small area throughout the year.

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Author: Ms.Geneva
Source: ThumbGarden
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